Home Maintenance

Home Maintenance

Homes require internal and external maintenance with regular cleanings and inspections to ensure everything is safe and functional. Seasonal maintenance tends to weather and usage needs, like raking leaves inspecting the shingles and closing the pool. Appliances and...


Waiving the inspection contingency doesn’t prevent you from having a home inspection. It just means you won’t be able to use results from an inspection to negotiate remedies or price with the Seller. If the inspection turns up something that makes you want...
Pros & Cons Of a Slab Foundation

Pros & Cons Of a Slab Foundation

Pros of a Slab Foundation Better for moist climates as it prevents mold growth in the home Less subjectable to insects and pests  More affordable Faster to construct Sturdy and strong since slabs are 24 inches thick Requires less maintenance More energy efficient...
Insulating Water Lines For Water Heater

Insulating Water Lines For Water Heater

 If the water lines for the water heater are not insulated the water lines will be exposed to cold temperatures in winter months if the garage door(s) is left open for an extended period of time, which can cause the water lines to freeze and burst.  The water lines...
Wood Burning Fireplaces

Wood Burning Fireplaces

  How A Wood Burning Fireplace Should Be Properly Used Inspect The Chimney & Flue For Cracks Cap It Inspect The Damper Inspect For Excess Creosote Fire Up! Feed The Fire! Use The Coals Clean Out The...